Updated Details for the 2020 Season

The Summerside Area Baseball Association Board of Directors met virtually last evening in hopes to finalize more details to continue the planning of the 2020 season Here is an update for you all in relates to yesterday’s news. 

Please review the following information carefully:


If your child would like to try out for 18U “AA”, 15U “AAA”, 13U “AAA”, 11U “AAA” they must SIGN UP beginning today (Friday) at 2:00 pm and have until 4:00pm on Monday to do so. This is because we are only permitted 20 people on the field at once which includes our coaching staff, so tryouts may have to be split up into separate groups. All “AA” tryouts will take place following the completion of “AAA” tryouts and “A” leagues will begin following that. This includes 9U (Jr. Mosquito). 

Here is how you sign up for tryouts: 

Email: info@summersidebaseball.ca

Subject Line should read: “Tryouts – Division name” 

Players name: 

Division child is signing up for: 

1st, 2nd or 3rd-year player: 

Team played for last season:


Please follow the registration payment schedule respectively. If you have a child in multiple divisions, we ask that you send separate e-transfers when it is your turn to do so. It important that payment is sent before June 1st so your child is insured while on the field. 

*Blastball: TBA

*Pony: TBA

*9U: TBD

11U: Open from Saturday, May 23rd to Sunday, May 24th (EOD)

13U: Open from Monday, May 25th to Tuesday, May 26th (EOD)

15U: Open from Wednesday, May 27th to Thursday, May 28th (EOD)

18U: Open from Friday, May 29th to Saturday, May 30th (EOD)

***For Blastball, Pony, and 9U division members, please stay tuned as we release the payment schedule for your divisions. 



Send E-Transfer to our Director of Membership at: sabaregister18@gmail.com 

MUST note players name(s) AND division in the comments/message section. This is VERY important. 

Please identify the Security question and answer as such:

“What is this for?”

Answer: baseball (All lower case) 


11U to 18U: $195.00

9U: $140.00

Pony: TBD

Blastball: TBD


For our Blastball & Pony programs, we are currently working on hiring staff, creating the summer schedule, and working with other Association Presidents and Baseball PEI on how exactly these programs are going to look. It is important to note that these programs will not be starting on June 1st. Similar to past years the program will hopefully begin, pending guidance and direction from Baseball PEI – following the Tryout process of our competitive division teams. Communication will be sent out to the parent group of these divisions as soon as we have more info. We ask that those parents please refrain from sending payment at this time. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in advance. 


We are still looking for coaches at the 9U level and up. Both “AA” and “A”. If interested, please send an email to info@summersidebaseball.ca. If you are not certified, we cover the expenses for all required NCCP clinics for our coaches. 

Finally, we realize this is a lot of information to take in. We tried to layout the information as clear as possible and we will be releasing more information to you all as it becomes available. If you have any pressing questions, you can email us at info@summersidebaseball.ca


Summerside Area Baseball Association (SABA) is the governing body of minor baseball in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, and surrounding communities and has been growing the game since 1981. It is Baseball PEI’s largest association with 300 + players registered per season. SABA offers Baseball opportunities to children 4 years of age up to 18 years of age. 

For more information on Summerside Baseball, visit www.summersidebaseball.ca or contact: info@summersidebaseball.ca

Connect with us: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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SABA Staff