2022 U18 “A” Chevys Rosters

SUMMERSIDE, PE – The Summerside Area Baseball Association is pleased to announce the official Team Rosters for its two 18U “A” teams this season. The first field time for each team will be announced through our Weekly schedule page in the coming days.

U18 “A” Team Echlin

Head Coach: Wes Echlin (wes@summersidebaseball.ca)

  1. Cole Echlin
  2. Brandon Smith
  3. Isaac Arsenault
  4. Connor Blood
  5. Alexander Ramsay
  6. Connor Murphy
  7. Ty Cameron
  8. Denver Arsenault
  9. Isaac Mosher
  10. Daniel Tamtom
  11. Regan Inman
  12. Zachary Arsenault
  13. Riley Shortt
  14. Ethan Skevington

U18 “A” Team Kirev

Head Coach: Darrel Kirev (dkirev@pei.sympatico.ca)

  1. Brayden Kirev
  2. Joshua Upshall
  3. Ben Gaudet
  4. Carson Thibideau
  5. Maxwell Steeves
  6. Keegan Duffenais
  7. Logan Gallant
  8. Riley Crawford
  9. Zachary Ellis
  10. Deacon Wagner
  11. Ethan O’Keefe
  12. Brayden MacAusland
  13. Maddix Hamilton

Best of luck to both teams in their respective seasons!


Summerside Area Baseball Association (SABA) is the governing body of minor baseball in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, and surrounding communities and has been growing the game since 1981. It is Baseball PEI’s most active association with 320 + players registered per season. SABA offers Baseball opportunities to children 4 years of age up to 22 years of age. 

For more information on Summerside Baseball, visit www.summersidebaseball.ca or contact: info@summersidebaseball.ca

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